"How ABM altered my portrayal"
ABM was never really my first choice upon pursuing what strand I should take, because I never really wanted to pursue the field of business but I wanted to be a part of the medical field because we can never predict where life is taking us or what it will throw upon us.

“Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.”
“As an ABM student, you must learn how to manage your time effectively, to have a high level of patience, and to concentrate and concentrate on your coursework.”
When I was in Grade 10, I encouraged myself that ABM is easy and learn to love it because it would make the strand easy when you love it, some people would told me that ABM only involves the four fundamental operations, that it is very easy to understand but then that is what they believe in, they can't see my perspective as an ABM Student, you have to analyze each sentences that is given, you must understand each text and what it is based on, there are moments in your life when you will feel a lack of motivation, and this happened to me a lot of times. I experienced a breakdown and want to give up on everything that I have worked for, but then I realized sometimes all it takes is remembering what motivated us to start in the first place, looking back at how far you've come and continuing to be who you are today, and somehow it inspires us to get back on track to achieving our objectives.
At first, I find it hard to adjust because I am a new student here in NDMU-IBED, which I solely know what the rules are or how difficult its standards would be but I still enrolled here to also engage into a new environment and to enhance the advance learnings given upon us by the teachers that taught us not only the learnings that we can attain upon our knowledge but also life lessons on how we must be strong because being an ABM student is difficult because you will be exposed to the harsh realities of life in this society. The acquisition of wealth is one of the most common human ambitions. Because profit is required for us to survive in this world, ABM students will learn the fundamentals of how to make money from an early age wherein you will see an immediate increase in your earning potential.